I debated having a labiaplasty for 2 years. I researched the procedure and doctors off and on the whole time. I found it very surprising that I could have it done 20 minutes from where I live. I researched places in California and imagined I would be going there. I went to the consultation with dr. Lau and was so happy with everything! He is very kind and makes you feel completely at ease, he has so many before and after photos that are amazing, the price is perfect and the office staff are so sweet and helpful.
Everything was so perfect I figured there must be a catch, well there isn’t! My procedure was on Thursday afternoon and everything has been perfect! I felt absolutely nothing during the procedure and happily watched a movie the whole time. He finished and I was surprised how great I felt considering what had just been done, I was not on pain pills either.
I went home took it easy the rest of the evening. Friday morning I was up and about going with my usual routine. Today I haven’t even had to take any Tylenol for pain! Dr. Lau called last night to check on me and gave his home number and cell just in case of any problems.
Anonymous – 7 March 2020 (originally posted on Real Self)
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