Improve the Look and Function of The Genital Area With Genital Rejuvenation
Genital rejuvenation could imply the improvement of the appearance and function of the genital area by non-surgical modalities. The term “vaginal rejuvenation “has been loosely used to imply the surgical procedure of vaginoplasty or more formally colpoperineoplasty, where the muscular and support structure involving the vaginal canal and vaginal opening including the perineum (area between the vaginal opening and the anus) would be repaired to restore the aesthetics and functions to the pre-childbearing state. There is no non-surgical means which can accomplish the same.
In this context, IntimMed provides genital rejuvenation to improve the aesthetics of the genital area, and to some degree certain functions of the genital area such as sensation enhancement, and lubrication during intimacy. We do claim any mechanical support enhancement for the looseness of the vagina, and certainly not urinary incontinence.
The appearance of the labia minora structurally can only be improved with surgical labioplasty. However, for the labia majora, certain non-surgical procedures can be done to improve the looseness and wrinkles of the area. Strategic placement of dermal filler injection can correct lines, wrinkles, and volume defects without labioplasty majora surgery. The result could be amazing, even though the correction would only last for a year or less. Dr. Lau prefers dermal fillers to fat transfer (Dr. Lau has done fat transfer with PRP to the breast since the beginning over 20 years ago) since the fat graft could increase in size with weight gain to the point of being excessive.
Photos: Dermal filler injection to correct wrinkles, lines, and volume defects in labia majora