IntimMed Lab develops technologies and products to help women achieving satisfying and fulfilling intimate relationships.
The research and development endeavor at IntimMed Lab is directed by a seasoned physician scientist Dr. Michael Lau, MD, MS, MBA, FACS, FACOG. Dr. Lau is a world renowned cosmetic vaginal surgeon, sexual medicine specialist, cosmetic chemist, and medical technology developer. Dr. Lau has advanced graduate degrees in chemistry/physics from the University of Washington, and management from Oxford University specializing in technology development. He has been involved in R&D work internationally over the last 25 years and is an author in multiple professional journal articles and presentations; also, inventor of multiple US patents and patent applications. Dr. Lau Biography.
IntimMed Lab develops technologies and products related to intimacy and attraction in three main areas:
- Olfactory (smell) perception – effects of fragrance; analytic perfumery
- Visual and tactile (touch) perception of skin
- Perception, especially predictive perception, in the context of neuropsychology
- Photographic imaging to study attraction using visual effect – Dr. Lau is a professional photographer specialized in fine art photography.